
August 8, 2020

White Dog just smiled confidently at Steve and went back to bed. "Thank you for trusting that I will got the nonworking oven fixed," he told her disappearing floofy tail.

Of course calling a repair person is not a simple procedure; it is more like giving a mouse a cookie. First, you leave a message for one or two tradespeople detailing the problem (but not too technically, don't want them to think you know too much)  in your most stressed urgent tone and leave a number of ways in which you can be reached. Then, while you are waiting for a call that might not come until Monday, you begin reorganizing weekend meals...and those of early week in case parts need to be ordered.

Then you undertake making the appliance and area around it insanely presentable so as to fool the repair person into thinking the oven is never used or abused at all. The microwave came off the shelf; it AND the shelf were scrubbed before the shelf was taken down to allow access to back of stove. They were stacked with loving care neatly in case there was an inspection.

A thorough cleaning of oven and range was next. The racks and burner surrounds were put in the tub to soak. Bella took up guard in the bathroom.

The unit was pulled away from the kitchen wall. Floor and wall were scrubbed before the appliance went back into position. Trying to look not hopeful you try the oven again to see if the gods have accepted your cleaning as sufficient sacrifice and have fixed the oven. There was a collective sigh that nothing happened.

"Now all we can do is wait," Steve announced in the late afternoon. He washed up and supervisor treats were awarded. After, he fussed to make sure dishes were cleared from the rack and the counters looked neat and tidy. WDA accessories that could not be crammed into cabinets were arranged by height and color at the back of the counter.

Bella was concerned that the broken oven would disrupt dinner. "Sweet Girl, go see," I told her. "Dad is in the kitchen as we speak preparing your meals."
Needless to say, she was overjoyed.

Pearl Update: Our Pearly Pearl ate a couple of small meals and managed to process everything without explosion. Bigger signs of improvement came in the form of her jumping up to the Watching Chair for the first time in days...and enjoying treats along with the supervisors. We are cautiously encouraged.

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