White Dog told Steve, "if you make them model now, they are going to expect walks." She was referring to the new easy-on walk harness that Zsofia and Bailey will share.
We have been assessing our family's "disaster plan" and the new harness was a result of the "what if?" scenario that something should happen to Steve while out with the dogs. All of the Army's tags are linked to his cell phone number which would not be useful if he were down somewhere with his phone in his pocket. This new harness will give critical information even if the girls won't come near and are not recognized for where they live.
It arrived for bedtime walks but Steve forgot to photograph them in it.
After walks Steve commented on the effect the new apparatus had on each of the girls. "It was funny," he said. "The minute Zsofia is put in a harness it is like a switch goes on and she is a sled dog who wants to pull. Bailey, who normally zigs and zags, walked at a perfect heel the entire time. Bella kind of liked chasing after Zso but we will be working on less yanking more strolling."
And White Dog WAS right, each put on the harness and rushed to the door expecting a bonus walk in the early morning.
Looks good mates! Play bows,
You should've definitely got a bonus walk, sweet pals. It's only fair after you modeled so nicely!
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