
February 10, 2021

White Dog nodded toward Roman, "It is, I think, a Universal Truth that nothing is more desirable than that which someone else wants." 

He was in the kitchen with Steve during dinner prep dividing his attention between what dad was doing and staring through the gate to watch Opal, Bailey and Zsofia assisting me in assembling the crudite plates which would accompany the salmon.

The girls are huge vegetable loves and were sharing bits of radishes, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and celery. We sent samples out for Roman's enjoyment as well. There was jockeying for position when I opened the jar of gherkin pickles to add to the plate; all with me are pickle fiends. Roman is not but fussed about being excluded until I send one out to the kitchen. Steve stretched out his hand; Roman sniffed suspiciously but took the green cylinder. His face told the story as he walked near the gate and dropped it. 

Bailey watched, astonished that the yum was being discarded, and rushed over to the gate to try and reach the dropped pickle with her paw. She could not quite reach it but her desire prompted Steve to ask his boy, "Are you sure you are not interested? If you are not I will give it to your sister." Roman looked at Steve, at Bai, and at the pickle...

...then he swooped over and gobbled down the object of debate.


1 comment:

TimberLove said...

Oh dear, poor starving huskerboos :)
