
February 12, 2021

White Dog proudly smiled. "Sometimes the Army are so full of kindness and understanding that I could burst. Bella was all wound up and had tons of manic energy to burn so Opal suggested a game of Hide-and-Go Seek. Everypup agreed that Bella should go into the office by dad and count to fifty (knowing he would help her). Then everyone hid, but not outside and in places that Bells could spot even in her muddlement. Then they let her chase them back to the counting pole. She had a wonderful adventure and by the time she tagged Zso and Bai, and Opal she was exhausted and allowed dad to carry her out to 'find' Roman hiding in the kitchen." 

I made sure all the "Hiders" got a special extra treat reward post walks.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

That was a super fun game, WDA pals! And yay that you got those special extra treat rewards. :)

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet pals!