
February 14, 2021

White Dog's arrival on this day of love should have provided a clue as to the future. Maybe it wasn't just happenstance. The tiny 3 lbs. baby girl already carried in her soul the seeds that would bloom in her heart and create the White Dog Army of Love. We had no clue. 

Now years have passed and that girl is a confident wise leader of an Army of twenty-two that dwell here on Earth and Over the Bridge. White Dog had a personal hand in recruiting each and every member to carry on her mission of spreading unconditional acceptance and love. 

And I am blessed with a houseful of special loves on this day of hearts and sharing "I love yous."

Even Mother Nature shared her affection for our snow lovers. It is unusually frigid, like a tundra...one that offers the comfort of being able to come inside the warm house to warm up and eat cupcakes. 

Our wish for today is that every person, two- and four-legged, experience a heart-filling moment of feeling loved today and always. Happy Valentine's Day. 


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day from all of us!

Random Felines said...

Happy Gotcha Day