
April 10, 2021

White Dog smiled at me. "It is kind of a very happy and a little sad thing. Finally Opal has gone out with the rest of the White Dog Army to supervise dad doing yard work. Not just on the deck right outside the door where she can still see you, but fully in the yard in the thick of things...that is wonderful progress. And on the other hand you must kind of miss your shadow."

"You know, White Dog, I am so excited Opal has found the courage and trust to participate. Watching her grow thrills me...like when Bella finally stopped hiding under the momma chair. If I am sad about anything it is all of the opportunities she has missed and her continued refusal to even consider going on a leashed walk in the neighborhood."

"Did you see today coming? No, of course not. So do not rule out walks forever. Time and love, momma. Time and love."


Random Felines said...

Awww....good job Opal

meowmeowmans said...

We're so happy for (and proud of) Opal.