
April 30, 2021

White Dog usually takes a day or two to begin feeling the effects of the platelet-rich plasma therapy. She received her second dose on Tuesday, was a bit over-enthusiastic on Thursday, but today was stretching her legs with confidence and walking slowly but determinedly in the yard.

We are seeing much less "knuckling" behavior when she moves and there is more flexibility in the range of motion in her back legs. In her excitement of having more mobility we must still make sure she exercises caution as the therapy works its magic and must often remind Bella that her sister is not yet ready to wrestle.

In thirty days, White Dogs get a third and final treatment; she will hopefully be set to go for more than a year according to studies conducted. All of us could not be more thrilled at these results.


Random Felines said...

So many purrs

meowmeowmans said...

We are sending lots and lots of purrs for success, sweet White Dog!