
June 22, 2021

White Dog whispered, "She who MIGHT someday be Queen is getting a little too pushy for her own good. Give me a moment." WD went over and sat next to where Zsofia was lying in the middle of the room, just out of my arm's stretch. The rest of the White Dog Army was lined up as usual for treat time. 

The first round of treats went smoothly with every pup sitting and waiting as I held up the treat; they held the sit until I said, "Good job." and handed him or her the treat...

Except for Zsofia. When it was her turn she remained lying down and lifted her head. "That is not how we sit and wait," I told her. Zso wooed at me and held her ground. "Ok, fine, I get it. You do not want a treat. I will move on to Opal." Our Darkest White One glared at Opal as she performed a perfect  sit and wait. White Dog placed a cautioning paw on Zso's.

Round two requires all of the WDA members to wait until their turn and then on command to come forward and touch my hand holding the treat. Again, we went down the row without hitch until coming to Zso. When I asked the still lying girl to come forward and "touch" she remained on her belly but stretched her neck and sang that I should stretch to meet her nose. "Nope, Sweet Girl, you must get up and come to ME."

She looked surprised and tried again to talk me into bring the treat to her. "Either get up and follow the rules or I will move past you." She pushed her neck out a bit further and belly inched forward six inches. I continued holding the treat in front of me. "Touch." Zso sang another aria stating her case for being an exemption to the treat rule. 

"OK, Baby Girl, either you want treats and you follow the directions to earn them or you don't. It is your choice. BUT I am going to move on and skip over you if every round is going to be a debate about your desire to do it your way. Decide. Now."

She put her head on her paws. I thought she was going to let her stubbornness overrule her desire for noms but after one last mumbled woo, she looked around to assess her loss of WDA cred, then dragged herself up and took the three steps needed to touch my hand.

As she ate the treat, I complimented her decision. "GOOD girl, you thought that through. Now shall we continue with the rest.?"

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