
June 9, 2021

It is hard to take selfies when everyone is crammed into this tight space
and dad wants us to not look at him...I think it is a trick

White Dog laughed at the open refrigerator door and the crowd gathered standing to look inside. "My mother would have had a fit," I told White Dog nodding at Steve, Zsofia and Roman pondering the contents of the coldbox.

"It is plenty cool in the house with the swamp cooler on," I called to them. "You do not need to tax the abilities of the frig."

"Momma," Zsofia sang in her pitiful opera heroine voice, "it is ONE HUNDRED dgress. We are trying to figure out what to make for dinner that does not require cooking but still is real, unlike Bella's answer that we could just have big bowls of ice cream."

"Sweet loves, it is that hot OUTSIDE, in here it is a lovely comfortable eighty. Close the door and come sit down where we can ALL consider ideas." 

"While we have treats?" Opal asked. "As long as we do not have to cook them," WD proclaimed.

So in the end we decided to save the Charcuterie and Cheese Board for Thursday which was to be equally hot but a day in which we had a busier schedule. With the help of sous chef Roman in the kitchen and the chopper/cutter sisters (Zso, Bai and Opal) we cobbled together the most marvelous saute of leftover merguez lamb sausage, canned tiny white beans, and wilted baby spinach.  

And yes, Bella DID get ice cream for dessert...vanilla topped with almond butter. Momma had to wrestle her to get back the spoon.

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