
April 8, 2023

Remembering my little man, Sachi, who we lost in 2018. He was my constant companion and was very vocal, despite the two failed de-barking surgeries he endured before we adopted him. 

In 2018, Sachi underwent an eye removal operation. During the surgery to remove the eye, the operating team had to resort to neonatal puppy-sized tubing to get down his airway and at that felt there had been some scraping internally. But Sachi came through the surgery. Anti-inflammatories were given to him as well as muscle relaxants to keep the air passage relaxed. In light of the constriction, the game plan was to revisit the specialist once he was out of ER to consider options.

Sachi struggled all evening to draw air and when Steve went to visit after dinner he and the vets agreed that, if needed, a tracheotomy would be done to open the throat to more air.

The little tube was not getting enough oxygen into his traumatized body; his heart was working in overdrive. I got the call while I was walking dogs. In the moments it took for me to run home, jump in the car and drive the 3 minutes to the hospital, the surgeon had attempted the procedure. Steve walked in to find our Little Man's heart had given out. For 18 minutes CPR was attempted. Sachi had left to join the Angel White Dog Army.


TimberLove said...

Love an wooos friends,

dear Sachi - please whisper to my brofur that I love him,


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

So sad, but I know he is always with you.

24 Paws of Love said...

It is frightening how quickly things happen. So sorry for your loss. Sachi was a good little man.