White Dog climbed on top of sleeping Steve and pawed him to wakefulness; he in turn woke me. "What?" I mumbled groggily. "You are burning up!" Steve said as he and WD felt my forehead and sweaty back. Suddenly the entire White Dog Army surrounded the bed and the alarm clock chimed; I buried my head under the blankets to escape the sensory overload.
My throat did feel scratchy and it was sweltering in the room...I leapt up grabbing my calf, "leg cramp!" I gasped as I rocked and massaged my leg. "OK, I am sick," I admitted now fully awake and feeling pretty achy all over.
My throat did feel scratchy and it was sweltering in the room...I leapt up grabbing my calf, "leg cramp!" I gasped as I rocked and massaged my leg. "OK, I am sick," I admitted now fully awake and feeling pretty achy all over.
White Dog started issuing orders as Steve dashed into the kitchen to make hot tea. "Nuka, sit on momma's feet to keep them warm! Yo go tell dad she needs water, lots of liquids so she doesn't dehydrate! Puff, make sure we have a warm afghan to wrap her in on her chair! Somebody wake the California boy, Quinn!"
"Whoa, everyone," I said. "I appreciate everyone rushing to take care of me but it is just a little bug, I'll be fin..." I suddenly rushed from the room. Our bathroom is tiny, certainly not large enough to hold a medical convention of Eskies discussing my health, but yet, here we were, all six of us...seven once Steve joined the fray.
"I have to take Michael to that testing appointment this afternoon," he said, "so I just called in to tell the office that I would be out ALL day instead of just this afternoon. Now we can all take care of you!" I smiled my genuine thanks but really just wanted to sleep.
After a light breakfast, eaten tucked under a blanket with SAWD anchoring one side and YAWD laying against my other, WD curled up on the arm of my chair and demanded everyone be silent. All day my every need, and then some, has been met by my attentive staff of caregivers. My every move has been monitored and fever charted and bathroom visit noted.
My boy, Quinn, had the best suggestion after dinner: "Momma needs ice cream; it cures everything!" WD and Steve dashed off to the store and returned with...I am feeling better already...pistachio almond, which of course we all shared. It was the perfect healing mojo. I am still achy but I feel safe and loved and very very special.
I hope you feel better soon.
I wanted to stop by and invite you to join us again this year for BlogBlast4Peace Nov 4th. Hope to see you there!
There is nothing better than being taken care. So glad you are in good hands...and paws. :)
Hope you feel better soon!
Nothing better than being looked after when you are sick. Get well soon. Sounds like you have a great family of Drs and Nurses. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Sounds like you have the perfect nursing staff on hand. Hope you're all back to normal soon. It's no fun being sick!!!
Oh no, it's no fun when mom gets sick, but it sure sounds like you have a wonderful crew of medical staff to take care of you.
Your pal, Pip
Hope today is finding you feeling much better. You sound a lot like our Mom. When she is sick, she really loves to be just left alone. But it must be quite comforting to know you are loved so well by so many.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Sue. With all that WDA energy, Steve's care, and the purrs and prayers we're sending, we hope you'll be better real soon. But be sure to enjoy that pistachio almond ice cream in the meantime! :)
Yuck...but it sounds like the whole nursing staff is on hand to take care of you. purrs....
Yuck! Get all better soon
Stop on by for a visit
I hope you are feeling better very soon. Ice cream should do the trick....don't forget I AM a Dr. and I DO make house calls! (and I DO like ice cream....I'm just saying"....)
We send you lots of sprcial healing purrs. It is sure nice to know that your expert nursing staff is taking such good care of you!
Sounds like your medical staff knows just how to take care of you!
Lots of love and liquids!
Get well soon, please.
Awww! So sorry you're not feeling well! I'm sure your little white nurses will take good care of you! :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Oh no, I sure hope that you are feeling better. Must make you feel good to have so many there to help you feel better.
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