And The White Dog Army comes charging to protect our home and family...

The bold interloper...

He taunted the WDA for several minutes before seeming to realize that he WAS on their home turf; then he turned tail and slipped down the wall. White Dog kept the Army on high alert for the rest of the evening. Every time a cat screeched, the White Ones went into full battle mode...even long after the blinds were closed.
Hope you did something exciting on YOUR Saturday!
P.S. White Dog DID check before calling for backup to make sure this wasn't their friend, Ginger Jasper, stopping by from the UK to trick-or-treat.
We have this very same problem at our house....except our intruder was a GROUNDHOG!!! He was HUGE! We think he has been eating ALL of the apples off of the tree!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug (your newest followers!!)
Hi Everybuddy, good to hear you are great watchdogs. Those kitties can be cheeky at times. He does kinda look like Ginger Jasper. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Aww I am glad you checked if it was me first and it did look like me too. I would love to trick or treat at your house for sure. Glad you were all on high alert for introoders.. Hugs GJ xx
I'm glad that WDA was on the job :)
We once had someone try to get into our house (late at night) and our three dogs went ballistic. We might not have been aware of the intruder without the dogs. He didn't run when the dogs alerted, much to our surprise. When the police arrived ten minutes later, he was gone...
All that guard duty is worthwhile!
Now THAT is a great alarm system. Go WDA!
Our Saturday was spent watching the snow pile up outside (very rare for October). :)
WOW, y'all sure had a busy day! Too bad it wasn't GJ, that would have been a fun visit!
Great alarm system....but we hope you didn't scare that orange kitty too much!! :)
Good job WDA!! Good practice for something bigger and scarier!
way to protect your house!
Stop on by for a visit
Oh no, not a CAT!
It sounds as though that kitty was just adding to the pre Halloween festivities! Happy Sunday, Sue!
We are sure that GJ would have called ahead to let you know he was coming:) We had one just like that peeking at us from the storm drain just outside our fence - mom was pretty worried and shooed him away.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
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