White Dog, The Other White Dog, Still Another White Dog, and Yet Another White Dog have a special message for White Dog Army member, Another White Dog, Nuka Angel Marie Sehi-Smith: Happy First Gotcha Day, Little Sister!
It was this day last year when our shaved to bare skin, scared, deaf girl completed her 1750 mile journey from Florida to Albuquerque to join the WDA, which then was just White Dog and TOWD. She was crabby, tired from three days of travelling and not at all sure she wanted to live in the desert. We got home and wrestled her from the car and went inside to read her "profile." WD and TOWD looked at us with "what have we done" eyes.
Angel, as she was called before we added Nuka (which means Little Sister), had an entire page of caveats about things which made her mad. There was another page of things that she simply would not allow...like baths...or brushing...or being held. She reinforced her reputation by rolling back her lip in a snarl to reveal her 8 remaining teeth (which she used effectively the next day to rip open my thumb as I tried to take off her collar to add her new tags).

The family grew quickly as Puff joined us just one week later and YoYoMa in the summer. Suddenly she was part of a real pack! She became referee and assistant boss yipping out commands and body blocking poor Puff into compliance. She herded Michael and howled during mailman alerts with the rest evn though she could not hear them.
AWD discovered she loved dressing up...and bubble baths...and even being cuddled. Our girl now allows us to trim her nails and owl feet as well as clean her ears (she has only had one infection since arriving and these used to be chronic). She rolled over a few weeks ago to allow Steve a belly rub. We are proud of her continuing progress.
Just last week she nosed a toy that Yo had been playing with; this was her first interest at all in the toys strewn all over and we all delighted at her curiosity. To recount her blossoming over the past twelve months would require more space than we have here; most of you have witnessed and shared the events as they happened.
Being deaf, Nuka has learned some special hand signals (that only she responds to). If you hold out your hand as for a handshake and wiggle the fingers like a fish tail swimming that means "I Love You!" So for Nuka, for her day, to make her very happy, the WDA asks you send the sign of the swimming fish. Happy Gotcha Day, Nukers! --{ --{ --{

Happy Gotcha Day Nuka Angel Marie!! Wesa so happy you found your place in the pack'ums and feel loved and secure'ums. Yousa such a doll baby and wesa loves you'ums!! May you be blessed with yousa wonderful family for always and furever!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Happy Gotcha Day Nuka!!! We know you have found a WONDERFUL forever home!! Congrats!
Oh Nuka!! Happy Gotcha Day!! You certainly scored when you became a member of the WDA!!
-Bart and Ruby
Happy Gotcha Day!!!!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
happy happy gotcha day Nuka Angel Marie! We've all enjoyed watching you this past year and look forward to many excellent tails of your continuing adventures. We are so happy woo found your way to the the WDA, pawty like a rock star little one,
RA, Isis & nuknuk
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Nuka, you truly are very special!!!
Oh beautiful Nuka, I wish you the most magical and special Gotcha Day. I am so happy you are safe and loved.
Your pal, Pip
Hope your day was pawsome beautiful!!
Happy Gotcha Day Nuka, we think you found your perfect home. Wishing lots of fun and treats. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
OH Precious AWD Nuka Angel Marie you are a perfect example that "Love conquer's ALL"!!!! What a WONDERFUL magical year you have experienced....Thank you WDA!!
Licks and Love
The Eskie Inn
P.S. Love the Princess Angel CROWN!!
Happy belated gotcha day, sweet Nuka! We are so glad you were gotcha'd into such a wonderful forever home. We love you!
I'm sorry I am late, but happy belated Gotcha day! WHOO HOO you have come so far.
She looks very happy. I know she is happy, and she loves the life you have for her. I wish I could come and play. I will be coming in flat form soon, so could I play with her then? Tell her happy happy adoption day.
Ahhh!! I can't believe I missed such an important day!! *Poo Poo Poo!*
I know you must have had the most special day. :) :)
Happy Gotcha Day! (is it really better to be late than never?)
Biggest woofs & hugs!! <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
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