White Dog and the rest of the White Dog Army give a major Woohoo! of Appreciation to Mayzie and Ranger and her wonderful family for a very special opportunity to help those in need. This is what is happening..
From Mayzie’s Blog:
During the week of November 7-11, we hope all of you will help us honor Grampa J by putting a pet who needs a home up on your bloggie. It can be any kind of pet who’s looking for their furever home – dog, kitteh, bird, goat – it doesn’t matter. And you don’t have to know them pawsonally. You can just go to Petfinder and choose one in your area if you want.
THEN – oh gosh, I LUVS this part – the very next week, we’ll draw FIVE names outta everybuddy who pawticipated. And each of those 5 furends will get to choose a rescue for us to donates 100 green papers to! That’s 5 rescues that’ll gets 100 green papers each!
How about that? You’ll be helping to gets the word out about a pet who needs a home AND you could win 100 green papers for your favoritest rescue! Gosh, I just know that would make Grampa J awfully happy.
WD is well aware that senior dogs with disabilities are almost NEVER adopted and usually end up, as they politely say, PTS, or just as sadly spending their golden retirement years at a shelter without a family to call their own. Buddy is such a boy.

This 10 year old American Eskie was found by Animal Control kenneled in the backyard a few days after his owner passed away . This was in the sweltering summer Georgia heat. No one knows how he survived.
Buddy has severe arthritis in his back legs. When he walks, he has very little control of his back legs, but he still tries and gets there eventually. He will be getting a cart to help him get around, cause he'd love to go out for walks, just like the other doggies do. He's currently on arthritis medicine. In the photo of Buddy, you will see that hes laying there, doing the splits with his back legs. He lays like that often, not seeming to notice that is not a normal position for a dog.
Buddy tested positive for heartworms and is in the process of being treated for them. He will be heartworm negative soon. He also suffers from severe separation anxiety.
Even with his issues, Buddy is just a sweetheart. He honestly appreciates the love he receives. He will follow you everywhere you go and wont let you out of his sight. He just wants to be by you. He will implicitly trust and adore you. Even though his arthritis must be painful at times, you'd never know it, by looking at him. Buddy always looks at you with love and admiration in his eyes and has a very happy "just to be" disposition. All he asks is for a second chance and a new life.
Buddy is currently in foster care with Eskie Rescuers United. for more information about him go to Petfinder.com or contact ERU directly: contact@eskierescuers.org
Buddy reminds us very much of our Quinn; we woo that the universe grant Buddy the same loving caring second chance that our boy was granted.
The Third Annual Worldwide Moment is 11:00pm GMT on November 14th...SIX days from today. In our time zone (Mountain Time) The Worldwide Moment occurs at 4pm.
hey White Dog Army,
Buddy is a beautiful boy! And I love how he has his paws crossed. He looks so dignified!
My paws are also crossed, for Buddy. I pray he finds his loving forever home, and finds it quickly. I know there is a human out there just waiting for him, to give him the love and care he needs, and deserves. <3
Thank you for showcasing Buddy. You are pawsome pups for helping out the homeless!
Hey White Dog Army!!! You guys are always doing such good deeds over here...we sure hopt and pray that Buddy finds his furever home soon!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
I sure hope someone snatches up the awesome Buddy
Stop on by for a visit
Hi WDA great post about Buddy. We are crossing paws and praying he finds a loving forever home. We are sure there must be a family out there who can give him love and care.
Thanks for showing him!
Buddy is awesome! I hope he finds the loving forever home that he deserves very soon!
Awww, Buddy is so cute! Someone's GOT to give him his furever home. :)
Happy Wednesday woofs & hugs! <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
I'm SO super sorry I didn't get around to your bloggie yesterday! Your pawment got eaten up by my spam filter-thingie! But I found it...yay!
Thank you, thank you for pawticipating and for telling everybuddy abouts Beautiful Buddy. Even though his legs don't work so good, you can tell he still has spirit and spunk! And 10's not so old. Believes me, my mom is WAY older than that and we wouldn't give her up for anything!
Good luck, Buddy! My paws are crossed super duper tight that you finds your Most Perfect Home That Ever Was real soon!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh gosh, poor Buddy. This story just breaks my heart. Don't give up, Buddy, the right person with a HUGE heart is out there somewhere. Paws crossed for you!
Your pal, Pip
Sweet White dog awmy
I get so vewy sad thinking of a sweet bootiful loving boy like buddy being alone in his golden yeaws..I pway someone can give him the wawm , loving home he desewves and needs
smoochie kisses
Buddy looks like my big brother Mack. He will find a good home. I just know he will.
Sally Ann
I am keeping my paws crossed for Buddy to find a forever home.
Oh please,,, please.
We e-mailed the group that has Buddy about our Vet that helped Bubba when he was so sick. It really helped him to feel better. So, maybe Dr. Winokur at Pharr road can help with some accupunture stuff for him.
Sally Ann
Buddy sure is cute. I hope that he is able to find a great furever home for the holidays.
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