
August 1, 2012

White Dog and The White Dog Army
Wonderful World Wednesday
White Dog and her siblings reminded me of an important fact today. Sometimes for fleeting seconds it seems that the world is perfectly wonderful as it is without any need for adjustment or change.

Those instants fill the heart and leave you feeling good long after you even remember why your are smiling and walking with a bounce in your step. This week we have been blessed with three such amazing revelations that we would like to share in hopes that you, too will, be left a little flush from the sheer joy of the wonder…

And finally, a homegrown moment. This is the view of sunset this time of year as we stand at the Rio Grande and look toward the Sandia Mountains. How could you not feel all is right with the world at this second..


GOOSE said...

That sunset is stunning. I am smiling.

Teddy Bear said...

What a beautiful sunset. Thank you for sharing the opening ceremonies. We missed it completely.

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sunset is gorgeous and it sure made me smile!

Swimflyaway said...

I love our mountains! They have so much character and make me feel so safe. In agreement with everybody, I smile in awe everytime I see them!


PS: The Roadrunner incident has me majorly freaked!

FiveSibesMom said...

What an inspiring, uplifting wonderful post! Thank you, WDA, for this great reminder of how the wonderful things there are all around us! Loved the "Let's Dance," I'm a big Gene Kelly & Elvis fan...just made me smile! And your photo...what a gorgeous sunset! Truly God's artwork! Husky hugs to you all!

24 Paws of Love said...

Loved the Let's Dance video! Very cool. I just love dance in general.

I have been to the Rio Grande many moons ago and saw a very similar sunset. I think I may even still have a picture close to yours. Beautiful.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Such a pretty sunset. You guys live in such a nice place!

meowmeowmans said...

You always inspire us, WDA. And for that, we thank you! That sunset is absolutely gorgeous. :)

Wyatt said...

We try to have lots of those moments.
Life is good and life is short, so you have to savor all those moments.
Thanks for sharing those pics :D

Wyatt's Mom

rottrover said...

Wonderful sunset. We agree with Wyatt. Life is short. Look for the beauty in each moment!!

Bart and Ruby