
August 10, 2012

White Dog put her lips against the side of my face and whispered, "Dad sometimes has the worst timing." I ran my hand down her side and nodded in understanding. The White Dog was still on edge about Quinn's health although we all agreed he seemed to standing a bit steadier. Quinn was still a long way from normal and still had a nervousness that magnified every noise or shadow flutter.

The school was scheduled for outside review today and there was no way Steve could avoid the timing of meetings, and audits, and discussions. So instead of our usual nice laid back mornings where he was not needed at work until past noon, he had to be in at 7:30. This meant the routine was off; scary stuff to the already disconnected Quinn. Breakfast was early; meds were early; morning walks were early.We could all sense The Other White Dog's stress level rise. He paced the hallway for over an hour after Steve left before settling down to sleep again. (But he WAS walking...not gracefully or quickly...but walking).

On the bright side of the schedule change was the fact that Steve would be home at some point in the afternoon. He could not predict when but promised that "just as soon as his part was over," he would pumpkin back to us. When he walked in the door around two, the White Dog Army was overjoyed. And when he came into the office where TOWD was splayed next to me, Quinn's tail thumped in excitement. Our gentle boy even accepted Steve's invitation to go on a brief walk in the front (Steve carried him down the steps).

At the vet's office, Dr. Julia determined that Quinn's current state was not being caused by further deterioration but just a series of "bad days" as she put it. In fact, she added he looked "pretty good" considering that he could hardly stand at all yesterday. She tried some new strategies with the laser therapy and sent home a list of medicine tweaks we will continue until she sees him again next week. The WDA was surprised at how well he walked into the house.

Quinn is still fearful and his barks of distress throw all of us into high alert. He is still doing a bit of the wandering himself into being trapped (under my computer desk earlier) and he spent some time this evening dramatically barking if YoYoMa even looked at him. This upset YAWD who made sure that we all knew he truly wasn't hurting or intimidating; his feelings were hurt by Quinn's reaction.

But we have seen some improvement and we have hope. The White Dog Army is confident that the power of six White Dogs can accomplish anything.


GOOSE said...

I hope he keeps improving. Still in our prayers.

Cappy the Eskie said...

Our paws are crossed for good health for everyone.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

We have Soooo much catching up to do. We hadn't even realized that the White Dog Army had become an Army of 6.

Teddy Bear said...

We're so glad Quinn is walking better today and hope that the medicine tweaks help him get even better.:) Sending lots of hugs and healing vibes.

Teddy Bear & Sierra

haopee said...

Sorry for not dropping by so soon. Is this still what Quinn had last time? If so, you must be very strong to not break down at the sight of him like this. I would've probably shut down if it were up to me. I am glad you have WD and the WDA by your side, especially good old dad Steve.

We pray that the Mighty Quinn gets better super duper soon. We are sending our prayers, support, love and energy to Quinn digitally.

Huggies and Cheese,


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are a little behind in posts, but we are so sorry to hear that Quinn is having some rough days. Paws crossed he continues to improve.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are right there with you in sending Quinn the most positive healing energy we can purr out!

Jo's World said...

With the attention of the Army and a caring Vet, we are hoping the Mighty Quinn will recover soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Random Felines said...

gentle kisses to Quinn....we know all the love and support will help him no matter what.

FiveSibesMom said...

Hoping Quinn will continue to improve, so sorry to learn he wasn't doing well. We use the laser treatments for Gibson and Chloe, with wonderful results. We wish the same for beautiful Quinn. Sending Quinn lots of (gentle) Husky hugs.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Even a little bit of improvement is good news! Still sending our prayers that this good news keeps getting better every day.

Cappy the Eskie said...

Paws crossed. There's strength in numbers -- the White Dog Army can accomplish anything.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

Cappy the Eskie said...

Paws crossed. There's strength in numbers -- the White Dog Army can accomplish anything.

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

Bailey Be Good! said...

Sending lotsa healing strength and happy thoughts to the WDA. We're thinking of you!! :)

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey & Nala (Yep, we're girls!)

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad Quinn's a little more steady today. We are sending much love, big hugs, and purrs and prayers for him, and for you all.

KB said...

I am so sorry to read of Quinn's tough days. He is so lucky to have you and Steve to guide him and love him. And, the love of the WDA must make a world of difference. We are sending you the Power of the Paw.