
August 17, 2012

White Dog sounded the alarm when the brown truck stopped in front of the house and the entire White Dog Army flew into its "We've Got a Delivery!" chorus. As point pup in the watching chair, WD had a clear view of the delivery from curb to doorstep. Above the barking greeting, White Dog gasped and her reaction silenced the group.

Then she turned to the room, eyes wide, and announced, "Brothers and Sisters, we have struck the motherload!"

The delivery guy was not carrying but wheeling our packages on a hand cart. WD turned and continued her commentary. "He is loading two, no four, no eight, no, oh my heavens, ELEVEN boxes and here they come!" The WDA surged toward the door.

"EVERY box says Natural Balance on it!" White Dog wheezed in her excitement. "There is enough stuff here to last DAYS!" She started calculating the number of items listed on the side with the number of boxes and shook her head.

I nearly had to beat back the whiteness when I answered to sign for the delivery and asked if the driver could load the boxes onto the porch. There was gleeful barking and scratching and dancing. YoYoMa was spinning in circles. When the delivery man left, I threw open the door and was pushed against the wall as six noses thoroughly sniffed and untold paws pushed at boxes. White Dog pointed out what the others already knew, "there are treats and dog food samples and chews, a couple hundred of each. We are SO golden!"

It broke my heart to clear my throat and try to redirect the WDA's attention to me. "Ummm, kids? White Ones? EVERYONE! These are donations that go into the thank you bags that will be given out at the Walk to End Cancer next month. They are not for you."

"Did she say not.for us," Oso asked looking at Puff. "She's just teasing, jerking our chain so to speak, right White Dog?" SAWD replied. I saved WD the need to reply. "Meant it. Not for you. You have PLENTY of treats!"

"Not even one?" Quinn played his I-am-a-sick-boy-melt-for-me look and I almost caved. "We are not even opening the boxes until we assemble those bags. So until then there is nothing to even discuss. Sorry."

"They get thank you bags just a little measly walking? Full of great stuff like this? Heck, what about us White Dogs who have been slaving to get everything organized for months? We ought to get thank you train cars full of stuff!" YoYoMa complained.

I looked at him sternly. "I know, we are not fighting this battle for any reward other than seeing an end to the c monster...but a boy can dream can't he?"


Little Reufus said...

I fink there might be sum WDA bit ob sbillage when those bags begin teu be filled. Juss saying.

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

PS On behalf ob the Mom, the Luke and the Bleu... Fank Yeu fur all Yeu deu teu fight that ebil enemy. And yeur subbort ob us... habbs meant the world!!!

Teddy Bear said...

Look at all those goodies. They sound like a great treat for all those who'll be helping to fight the c monster.

Teddy Bear & Sierra

bichonpawz said...

This is for a very good cause...fighting the evil c monster. Hope you get a little treat too. xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well it turns out to be one very impawtant delivery for a very impawtant cause, bravo!

Random Felines said...

holy smokes.....what a haul. while we are all about the thank you bags, we see a need for a quality control tasting. :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hang in there, WDA - we are sure if you all pull together and work really hard, there just might be some jerky in your futures.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh My darling darling Siku,
I shall get you some treats. Fret not my love! You will have some treats!

Kari in Alaska said...

Oh its so sad that those aren't all for the WDA :)

Stop on by for a visit

meowmeowmans said...

We're a little disappointed all those goodies aren't for you, WDA. However, they sure are going to a great cause! And we bet Mom is right ... you're sure to get LOTS of treats (just not those ones), anyway. :)

Hugs to you all!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Sorry White Dog Army, but it was nice to dream for a little while wasn't it? We think when those boxes are opened, you might get a little treat, right mum? Please. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

The Daily Pip said...

Maybe they will be a few extra treats for the hard working White Dog Army!

Your pal, Pip

http://winesomewinston.blogspot.com said...

Holy Moly, you've hit the Mother Lode!!!!

We were all laughing,and jumping for joy, until we heard you don't get ANY, not one morsel, of the treats! Then Mom explained to us the importance of fighting the BIG C and we now nose about the good works of your mom and the WDA!!

Your furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil