
August 20, 2012

White Dog suggested that we give everyone an update on The Other White Dog, Quinn, especially since he had a vet appointment today. The entire White Dog Army appreciates all of the positive thoughts and prayers and healing vibes being sent his way; we truly believe that your support and encouragement are helping a lot. Thank you so much for keeping our boy in your hearts.

Since last Thursday, Quinn seemed to take a downhill turn once again in leg strength and his ability to walk. For the last part of the weekend Steve pretty much carried TOWD anywhere he needed to go and the rest of the time helped him settle into a comfortable lying position where he would stay for hours. When he moved of his own volition, it was swimming on his belly and usually only as far as the water dish. It was a weekend of worry on Quinn's behalf.

Last night we were cleaning out the wound on his right rear leg (the one where the foxtail weed seed had to be removed). It has been very slow to heal and TOWD has had both oral and topical antibiotics to prevent infection. Steve wondered aloud if the fact the wound was still open and so deep could be a source of immense pain to our boy...so much so that it affected his ability to stand on it.

As an experiment (knowing we were to see Dr. Julia today) we packed the hole full of antibiotic cream, trimmed away the leg fur, and snugly covered the sore with gauze and tape. It seemed to help Quinn's ability to stand a bit.

This morning at the vet's office we unwrapped the leg and suggested maybe he might need to have a few stitches. Dr. Julia pointed out stitching wasn't possible since it was a hole and there were no pieces to put together but she suggested we try a sugar bandage...packing the wound with sugar and wrapping the leg tightly from knee to ankle. I was skeptical but found out in my research that sugar has proven to be very effective.

Healing through the use of sugar is an old-time tradition that has been used by both Native Americans and different tribes in Africa. In 2009, a series of tests were conducted in British hospitals to determine whether there's any truth behind the idea that sugar can be used to treat wounds and ease pain. After a series of tests, the Daily Mail newspaper in England reported that the treatment had been a success.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/96076-use-sugar-heal-wounds/#ixzz249VKV0Uq

Decades ago, surgeon Richard A. Knutson, MD, published his experience using this old-fashioned approach to wound care in the Southern Medical Journal (Nov. 1981). We spoke with him and he told us he resisted his elderly nurse’s recommendation at first. “When we started I thought it was absolutely nuts.” But his experience with more than 5,000 patients convinced him it was useful to speed healing.

Recently, scientists compared honey and sugar as wound dressings. They concluded that honey is somewhat more effective than sugar in reducing bacterial contamination and promoting wound healing (Journal of Wound Care, July, 2007).

Amazingly, by this afternoon Quinn was struggling to his feet on his own! He is walking...just a bit, not far, but he is up on all fours and in motion. He must go back tomorrow for a recheck and redressing of the wound...and a laser treatment. Steve is convinced that a big part of Quinn's troubles has been pain we were unaware of in his right leg. This could even be true for some of his manic-ness. We are more hopeful than we have been in days and even Quinn seems to have more sparkle in his eyes once again. 

Time and love, they say, heals all wounds.


Berts Blog said...

Thanks for the sugar info and the link. I am passing it along to Dougalhuman to try. After he got bit by the rattlesnake he lost a lot of skin and it is now an open wound. I wonder if thsi will help him.
I'll keep you posted.
Glad it seems to be working fo you guys

Suka said...

hey WDA,

Quinn, I am so furry proud of you. You are so strong and such a trooper. You are an inspiration! I am so furry happy to read of your progress and my paws are crossed extra tight for you that your journey to healing continues. You are also in our thoughts and prayers.

When my human was doing research on turmeric for me so came across some information on using a honey-turmeric mix for wound healing. That might also be something to look into.

Tail wags to your mom and dad for doing so much to help you, Quinn. They are super pawsome pawrents!


loveaneskie said...

Quinn we are thinking of you and sending eskie healing thoughts. Our mom says she has never heard of healing with sugar although has heard about the honey.

Get better soon!

Woofs from Casper, Buddy, Nikki, Cotton, Lucky (and foster dogs Prince and Princess)

rottrover said...

Our paws are crossed, and we're sending calm and powerful rottie protective vibes to the WDA. Please help Quinn feel better!!

Bart and Ruby

GOOSE said...

These Goose paws are crossed for you friend. Your parents are so great.

Unknown said...

Hang in there buddy, we are sending healing vibes from Texas.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

POTP for the Mighty Quinn! Have heard of honey being used to prevent infection- but not sugar- thrilled at Quinn's recuperative progress!

TimberLove said...

Hawoo wooo dear Quinn, we are all pulling for woo! Good to hear about the sugar treatment, we will keep that in mind. Play bows mate,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Random Felines said...

purrs to Quinn....stay strong sweet boy - we are glad you are feeling a little better and hope you heal much faster with the new bandage

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring so hard for you dear Quinn. I think Steve might be on to something. Thanks for updating all of us. Love ya Quinn!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Siku and family,
We can empathize with you. Please give Quinn a treat from us. Bubba was to recieve a doggie cart to help him, but he didn't ever get it. Maybe one might help Quinn to get around.
Sally Ann and Andy

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Give Quinn and great big hug from all of us in Florida. Hope you're all better real soon.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It may not totally fit, but we keep thinking about "a spoonful of sugar helps . . ." Hope the sugar is the cure for sweet Quinn.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

White Dog Blog said...

Hi Sally Ann and Andy,
Momma and dad and Dr. Julia have talked about a cart for Quinn but none of them feel he is quite ready (nor are we) to give up the battle to walk. When the time is right, after we have exhausted the possibilities that his issues are able to be stabilized or reversed, we are prepared to explore a cart (after all, Momma uses a wheelchair when she is not at home)! Thanks for the great suggestions to trying to do the best for our boy!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am sending all my love and healing thoughts for Quinn.
It is so sad when our furries hurt, and our hearts just break for them.
I am keeping my paws crossed the sugar helps.
We have also heard about the use of honey.
Here are more healing thoughts for Quinn.