White Dog sounded the "Mailman" alarm and the White Dog Army came charging for the daily drill as he dropped letters and junk mail through the slot. As has been his job since the day he arrived, Quinn went out on the porch with me to thoroughly sniff the fallen mail to check for bombs, explosive devices and treats.
One hand-addressed envelope carried the return address of the woman who had rescued, and ultimately set to us our blind boy, YoYoMa. "She can't have him back for anything," Puff cried as the WDA crowded around to see what the day's delivery held. Yet Another White Dog looked nervous. "Don't worry Big Boy," White Dog advised. "Momma won't let anything happen!"
Together we opened the envelope and unfolded the pages. "See!," White Dog beamed, "This is happy news! It is a gift." There was a brief note from Sue L. (with whom we have not kept up contact) saying that she had finally finished going through the files and paperwork of her friend whose medical crises and collapse led to YoYoMa needing rescue.While her friend still managed to hang on though blind, on kidney dialysis and partially paralyzed, she had lost everything including a son to hard drugs and a husband to the stress of having an invalid as a spouse. Sue, bless her for her true friendship, was helping as best she could.
The papers she sent were YoYoMa's AKC and UKC registrations and his historical medical records. They were a treasure because they filled in many missing pieces. We now know YoYoMa was born on November 1, 2004. He is just weeks older than White Dog who was born on December 22.
YAWD's registered name is Trublu's Bounce Right Back and for the first part of his life he was simply, "Yoyo.". His mom's name is Snowbird's Sky's the Limit. She is 17 and blind. She lives with Sue L. who has not yet found a suitable family to take her. YoYoMa's dad, Kiskapoo's Freedom Fighter--Hero, we were saddened to learn, was in foster care in Modesto with Heart Bandits Eskie Rescue. YoYoMa hung his head and the WDA pressed closer to comfort him. Briefly, I looked at our family and wished, but sadly could not see two more members joining our Pack. Later, alone, I cried for both Sky and Hero, asking the Universe to bless what should be their golden days.
We know his blindness was investigated the year before he joined the WDA, because the vet records indicate testing, including a corneal staining, was done. Unfortunately, the results are not among the papers and the vet's office listed on the invoice is no longer in business (I tried calling).
Having this information is a double-edged sword in a way...it allows us to know some important bits about our boy (like when to celebrate his birthday)...but it cuts to know that he made it "out," found a second chance, while his parents still await redemption.
White Dog summarized the true importance, "Yo, we loved you before this information surfaced. The story it tells is incidental, who you are is the pup we share our lives with. It is your actions as part of our family and your kindness of heart that makes you legitimate, not your AKC or UKC papers. You and your family went through such a horrible plight of being abandoned by illness and abused physically and emotionally by truly sick people. We are glad your fate was to come to us and become part of the WDA...and we would feel that way even if we knew nothing about your lineage or past."
"She is right, Big Boy." I added "Forever and always, Yo.Yo.MINE!"
My paw is ober my heart, and thiss quote iss on my mind...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
It iss comfurting in whays that can naugth be ecksplained... when blanks are filled in... butt when the debf ob lubbs is infinite...
Just look on the positive, many medical missing pieces are found, and the love is a given!
Ok...this should of had a "tissue alert" at the beginning! It's good to know a little bit more about your boy, but like you say, the plight of his parents is so heartbreaking. I know just how you feel. I know you're probably wishing there was room for just two more where they could live out the rest of their lives feeling secure and loved.
I think I will read LIttle Reufus's comment again just to see if I can understand things better.
I am glad you were able to learn a little more about Yoyo Ma's early family and his parentage.
Hope you are all well and cool, as we are for the first time in weeks!
Jo, Stella, and Zkhat
Just try to keep the positive and spoil the pups rotten. :)
Yoyo, you have an angel watching over you!
Bart and Ruby
while we are glad that you have more information, we are even more glad that YoYoMa has you as a family and truly hope that Sky and Hero can find home for their golden years.
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