
June 11, 2016

White Dog AND Zsofia got to go to Growers' Market this morning. Zsofia had not had her opportunity...and WD went along to give temporary "goodbyes" from the White Dog Army.

Steve's new quarter begins on Monday which means a new schedule of teaching days and hours. Thankfully we will be spared three late nights in a row (they are split with a regular day between) BUT  Saturday's class is in the morning NOT the afternoon. Since class begins at 9am, Growers" Market will not fit the new schedule.

Zsofia dragged Steve into the house with a load of goodies and White Dog stood on the front stoop waiting for him to go back out for the things she was guarding.

Zso's eyes were huge as she described to the clustered White Dog Army how she and White Dog, knowing this opportunity would have to last for a while, visited EVERY stall to sample, scrutinize and choose for the family.

Steve laughed, "Thank goodness, White Dog is calm and mannerly. Miss Zso wanted to climb into every lap and put her snooter into each vendors wares. She made LOTS of friends, including a handsome rust-colored Sibe. They talked to each other the entire time we were there across the park."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Yo sniffed. "What did you bring back?" "And what did you eat for breakfast?" Nilla wanted to know.

"White Dog and I shared a cheese tart," Zso started. "The lady said normally her customers don't just take a bite as she is wrapping it up." White Dog rolled her eyes. "Dad found a sour cherry scone that he gave us bites of," WD added. "Did you bring us anything?" Sachi wanted to know.

"As a matter of fact, we DID," Steve told him. He fished in the bags. "THIS!" he held out a cigar-shaped peanut butter-y smelling doughnut iced with peanut butter and chopped peanuts. He broke one open; it was filled to oozing with what was obviously freshly made strawberry cream. "Dear Dog," Stormer prayed, "let there be more than one!" Each pup enjoyed a quater of a doughnut.

"Let's see what else you found," Pearl and Benson were trying to push their noses into the bags Steve had set beside him. I watched Opal as her hovering became stalking the goods.

There was a huge bunch of asparagus...three kinds of mushrooms...cucumbers ("I made dad buy LOTS because you all enjoy them so much" WD told her siblings)...a head of purple cauliflower ("Will it taste as good as the regular kind," Bella wanted to know)...tomatoes...carrots...peppers...fresh cherries and apricots...and a package of garlic studded flatbreads. "And you know what we got to go with the flatbread?" Zso challenged. "Yep, freshly made humus as we watched and WD insisted on visiting the cheese guy." Brillat Savin (of course, this brie is WD's favorite), a  tomme de chevre aydius from local goats, and a ricly veined bleu guaranteed that dinner was going to be "peasant fare," cheeses, fruit, and limeade (made from the bag of small limes that supposedly grew in  the vendor's mother's backyard in California).

The White Dog Army made plans for a Sunday hold back time celebration, enjoying one last day of Steve's break and staving off the new quarter. We would grill vegetables, make salad (with LOTS of cucumbers every pup made me promise), and the WDA would share fresh sardines. We would put ice cubes in all of the water bowls and nap under the swamp cooler breezes...

...and we would not once think about Monday and its return of late night classes.


Random Felines said...

Sounds like quite the adventure and then a party

Random Felines said...

Sounds like quite the adventure and then a party

meowmeowmans said...

We're sorry the Market won't fit into the schedule for now. But it sounds like you had a grand adventure, and found some awesome stuff during your visit. :)