
June 28, 2016

White Dog pulled me aside as we were getting ready to run errands. "You are going to the pet place, right?" she asked. "I know, treats are already on the list," I told her.

"No, well that too, but," she nodded over to where Zsofia had already taken up watch next to Puff, "the Kid has been doing that a lot. Just sitting with Puff and making sure she is all right. That is really hard, I know for someone with her energy level." I nodded in agreement.

"Could you and dad maybe pick up a little something special for her? You know, like a surprise new toy that she could go out and be a pup with? She is so focused and caring that she ought to be recognized." "Her birthday is in just a few days," I pointed out. "No, I mean she deserves just a random for no reason surprise."

In the car, I mentioned White Dog's request to Steve and once in the store he set about finding the perfect "something."

Zsofia of late has been obsessed with the old plush squeaker snake that we got ages ago for YoYoMa's arrival; he never much took to it but Puff ripped off its face and tail segments and gnawed out several of the squeakers. The good old days.

In the store, Steve walked up carrying a red snake with squeakers, this one made of "indestructible" material and no filling. "How about this?" he said. "Sort of gives a nod to Puff and allows me to get rid of the old VERY dead green snakey."

Once home, Steve and White Dog called Zsofia out to the yard. I heard them demonstrating the different squeakers. Then White Dog came in.

"Did she like it?" I asked. "She has challenged EVERY one to play 'come and get it...it is MINE!' And Dad is trying to talk her out of digging a special nest for it out in the dead leaves." Steve came in and showed me the photos. I think she is pleased.


Random Felines said...

What a nice gift for Zso....and well deserved

familypetcare said...
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