
July 8, 2016

White Dog said, "Can you find one of those old-fashioned muscleman pictures, momma?" "Like this," I asked. "What do you have in mind?"

"It is just that everytime I see CA Stormer these days, he reminds me of them," she replied. "Dad said he jumped up two stairs last night and he just has become so muscular. It is like those cartoons where the old tubby guy gets bested by some upstart (not naming any Zsofia names) and decides he has had enough. So he works hard and gets into super shape and is amazing."

Here is when he first joined the White Dog Army:
And here CA is now...what a difference, right?
"He has done so well, I am thinking of putting him in charge of the White Dog Army daily exercise program. Every pup could use a little of Stormer's fitness."

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

WOW! That's awesome. Great job getting yourself in shape, CA Stormer!