
February 1, 2018

White Dog put her paw on my hand. We were all trying hard not to feel as though we had failed. But the fact was that WE were going home and Jeep was still out there...somewhere.

Our friend, home on doctor ordered bed rest for the week with the flu, texted Steve this afternoon that her little guy, Jeep, had escaped the house and had disappeared. She lives in an odd edge of town with incredible views, LOTS of open spaces, and a contoured landscape of scrub and cactus. There are not a lot of neighbors. It is also a thriving ecosystem with lots of wild birds, lizards, rabbits, and coyotes. Jeep weighs about 8 lbs.

Steve left work and drove out to her place to help with the hunt. After nearly two hours of traipsing the open land, my friend's health required her to rest. Steve continued for a bit longer then left treat enticements, water and some old clothes as sort of a path to home. It was hoped Jeep would tire of his adventure and return to where he belonged.

Jeep had not come home for his dinner and it was getting dark. Our friend was in a panic but physically unable to push herself any further. Night on the frontier could be a VERY scary prospect for a little guy, no matter how tough he THINKS he is.

Steve swung home, we quickly fed the White Dog Army. I had already explained the situation and no pup objected to losing their evening "dad time." White Dog has a bit of tracking experience and wits enough to maybe be able to coax a frightened boy to her side so she came along. We had flashlights, extra leashes, and stopped for hot greasy drive through burgers to potentially be a lure.

I sat at the edge of the dirt road swinging the light beam and gently calling for Jeep to come out and have a burger...to let us take him home where it was warm and safe. The moon was bright and the constellations showed the North Star, which will always lead you home, I learned.

Steve and White Dog took their light and walked across the mesa toward the ridge. I could watch their light bobbing long after I stopped hearing their pleas. Their light made a circuit of the basin and disappeared until they came up behind me.

None of us had even a close encounter, it was getting cold, and the moon had dipped behind clouds.

Our friend put a warm blanket and bowl of water at the front door. We added one of the hamburgers we had been carrying. Reluctantly we agreed to renew the quest in the morning although we all not so secretly hoped Jeep would be at the door yipping his complaints about being cold before sunrise...Or that he spent the night at a neighbor's waiting for a reunion party.

Tonight the entire Army will join energies asking the Universe to send this naughty little man home safely...where he belongs. Will you join us? Jeep is loved and needed at home by his mom and his sister, Sweetie.


Random Felines said...

oh no - we hope he showed up over night....sending lots of "go home" purrs

24 Paws of Love said...

How scary for the little guy. We are sending our Sibe Vibes that Jeep finds his way home. Poor mom and sister. Prayers for them too.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness, since this was written, Little Jeep was found! ~Merrie, NMDOG volunteer, Albuquerque, NM