
February 24, 2018

White Dog said gently, “Don’t be mad, momma, that Stormer talked with me about his decision.”

“Sweet girl, I know you gave him loving and sound advice that eased his troubled soul.” Stormer had sought out his Leader to ask how to avoid breaking Steve’s heart. “You cannot,” she softly told him. “But he will understand and set aside his pain to do what is right for you, his Best Bud whom he loves so much.”

CA Stormer has bravely fought the c monster and loss of mobility but ultimately those things rob one of strength and dignity and independence. These last days have reduced my proud Warrior to total reliance on help, always lovingly given, to accomplish just about everything.

He and I have had several conversations about his failing body and the need to soon leave us. Alone, together, I have fallen into his eyes and felt first-hand the pain and struggle that he tried to mask. “I won’t promise not to cry and if I could make you well I would keep you in my arms forever, but we both know that is beyond even my magic. You must make the decision and I will walk with you right up to the Bridge but you must tell me when.”

After White Dog came to me this morning, I suggested that Steve carry Stormer outside to sit under the big tree, soak up the warmth of the sun, and share some time. “Stormer has something he wants to say. Please open yourself and listen with your heart. I know you will understand.”

It was almost an hour later that he carried Stormer back in and arranged him comfortably on his mats in the living room. Steve’s face was streaked and he radiated sorrow. The others crowded around both, trying to console.

Steve laid his hand on his Bud’s head and looked at the group with brimming eyes. “Stormer has decided it is time,” he said to himself as much as to the Army. “He is brave beyond belief but he hurts all of the time now and life has no color. I am so proud of him and love him with everything in me; none of us want him to suffer. And Monday we will honor his request.”

White Dog stepped forward and nuzzled them both. I slipped from the room and called the mobile vet to make arrangements. When I returned Stormer met my eyes and gratefully smiled.


TwoSpecialWires said...

No words. Just tears. And complete understanding. And, always, support.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We totally understand too. Such a brave guy. Thank you for listening to his request. Hugs and love from all of us.

Anonymous said...

All of you will be in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow as you do for Stormer what all of us hate and yet do because we love our animals. So very hard yet kind and important.

Take care,
Lucy (Troy, Ohio)

24 Paws of Love said...

So sorry to hear about Stormer and his fight. Thank you for taking care of him, especially in his time of need. Thank you for listening. It is the hardest thing to do, but it is done with love.