White Dog tried to be soothing. "Momma, you act as though you expect Pearlie is one day going to jump into your arms, cover you with kisses, and proclaim her total love. That probably will not be the case. Remember Puff? And how hard it was to even get her attention? She ABSOLUTELY hated being cuddled...or even noticed... until she was very sick."
She continued, "This little step is huge even if it does not seem like she is even paying attention to you. Each time you go into the office she leaves her watching window to come with you and spend her time on Stormer's couch. Sure, it is different from Opal who also comes in and lies next to you and rests her head on your feet. But they have different personalities."
"It is Pearl's way of wanting to be with you. She is not ready for petting and being really close but she chooses to follow you to stay near. Aren't you the one who always says time and love?"
I felt chastised by the Little White Dog of My Heart but I knew she was right. Thinking back to Puff it was a long time to gain each measure of trust she awarded me. I turned to face the little dog lying on the garnet dogbed with her face turned away from me.
"Sweet Girl, My Pearl," I said to the room. "I am sorry for taking your efforts so lightly. Please know that I love you just as you are. Thank you for sharing my space and workday."
I did not anticipate a response from her and got none. White Dog, however, heard my almost silent sigh and came over to rest her head against my leg.
1 comment:
It can be hard when they know they are loved but don't know how to express it
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