
September 2, 2018

White Dog lifted her face from her bowl. There was whipped cream on her muzzle. The White Dog Army was enjoying strawberry trifle to celebrate Bailey's Eighth Birthday. The Birthday Girl continued eating her double portion as the Army crowded around to wish her many happy returns...and to make sure she did not need help finishing her treat.

Bailey was an owner surrender to the rescue so she is one of the few in our family with both a birthday and a Gotcha Day. And you know us, we NEVER miss an opportunity to party.

"Happy Birthday Dream Girl," I told her as I held her head in my arms. "Know you are forever loved and cherished. Thank you for being our perfect fit!" I bent down to exchange kisses and she left a smear of whipped cream on my glasses.

1 comment:

Random Felines said...

Happy Birthday Bailey!!