
November 26, 2018

White Dog said, "It is hard getting back to our routine after having dad home so many days. We all feel it. Most of us are bored and napping. Some of us are wondering what to do to keep busy until dad comes home. Some us, like you momma, are more forgetful than usual."

I took a long sip of coffee and rubbed her furs. I tried not to look insulted as I asked with a smile, "I understand it is hard for us all including dad, but do you have something specific that I forgot?"

""You started emptying wastepaper baskets and got distracted. You left the collection bag on the floor by your desk."

"I hear an AND..."

"And some of us release boredom by getting into mischief."

1 comment:

Random Felines said...

"what?? I was just sitting here and it EXPLODED!!" MOL