
February 12, 2019

White Dog was sitting with me in the office instead of napping like she usually is this time of day. She was not happy having to play "Don't Make Me Come Over There" to her brothers but both Tizenegy and Roman were having testy days. The entire pack was tired of hearing them posture and act tough.

"Do you think it is boyz of EVERY species," she asked me, "because human males, not dad of course, are even a million times more irritating and don't seem to know when the studly macho warrior stuff gets old. I can barely stand watching the news with you"

"My experiences," I told her, "have led me to think that boy games and encounters as they age lead them to think that looking big and tough and mean is admirable. That is for humans and many other species. I think females can have bad days and bad attitudes but we seem to have a built in understanding of the value of cooperation and know kindness is not being weak. Of course, I am way overgeneralizing but with THOSE two, I think you see my point."

WD nodded, "both come with baggage from backgrounds where being the biggest jerk may have meant YOU got to eat...or not been attacked. But I get impatient that they get into these funks where they seem to forget that is not their reality any more."

She would have said more but we both heard Roman's deep bully growl in the bedroom and she headed off to intervene while I called him to my side for timeout.


Sue Lunsford said...

Aww, the blended household drama! It would be boring without some little tiff flaring up now and again. Makes us appreciate the quiet times, and reminds us of the vast differences in their personalities.

Random Felines said...

plus maybe a little cabin fever - we have had some grumpiness here and it is from a certain tabby girl (who shall remain nameless)