
March 6, 2019

White Dog sat with me after they left. "I knew, momma, that they were going to be awesome humans! When they walked in and sat on the floor to meet and hug us we all fell in love."

Before they ever boarded the plane in Michigan, Dr. Heuberger insisted that time be made for her to meet the White Dog Army. She and Stephan and Bekah were the research team conducting the Paws To People Water Study and they were coming to Albuquerque to do water sampling. So we agreed on a Wednesday night homemade pizza party. turns out that the entire team are extraordinary dog lovers so we had a full house.

The WDA was smothered in attention and pets and Tiz quickly discovered that he had no basis for his fear that "we would talk science and work all evening." A few scattered moments but sparsely sprinkled in the lovefest of white dogs of all hues and humans.

Even Pearl settled down at a safe distance to relax and watch our guests. Bailey and Zsofia were encouraged to lick faces long after any smudges of spinach and sauce remained.

White Dog asked a few questions about the data collection progress and was pleased at the answers given...and with the team already reaching out to UNM for input and help continuing the sampling beyond this week. "It is wonderful to see the work taking shape and its potential being defined," White Dog complimented.

The WDA is planning a final celebration, Army-style, on Friday night. Featuring NM traditional favorites, it is White Dog's goal to send Roschelle, Stephan and Bekah back to snowy Michigan feeling accomplished, defrosted, charged up...loved. And knowing White Dog parties, probably stuffed.

"I so hope they come back," Bella whispered curled on her bed eyes heavy.
Bekah is at left; Dr. Heuberger in the center; and Stephan on the right

This is called a blizzard of White Dogs meeting and greeting our guests

Our shy girls sort of loomed over the small Army members, but the rest ARE in the mix getting and giving love



Random Felines said...

science, pizza and dogs - a good evening

Sue Lunsford said...

So glad all went well! It’s nice to “see” the team!