
April 20, 2019

White Dog shook her head. "Better her than me," she said and walked over to sniff Zso's ear. "You are going to need to shave her to get her clean," was WD's assessment that sent her sister bounding out through the dog door.

Zsofia had taken the second shift of being Steve's helper as he repaired damage done to the window frame by our last storm. And while he was at it, he cleaned up a couple of patches of dry rot that was starting.

Roman had been Helper #1 as Steve cut new boards and sanded areas. HE cme in shaking a trail of sawdust.

Zsofia "helped" prime and paint the repair.
The best part was that tired workers meant carryout Greek for dinner...and who does not LOVE Avgolemono soup over kibble topped with shredded bits of souvlaki?

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Mmmm! It sounds like a tasty dinner was had after all of that good helping! :)