
April 5, 2019

White Dog jumped up on the bed so she could get a closer look at just what Zsofia was up to out in the yard. She could not quite see what her sister was so intent upon so she asked me to stand and see if I could.

Zsofia was stalking something and WD was prepared to dash through the dog door barking if it was a helpless creature like a baby bird.

I stood and took the two steps toward the glass. "Zso, bring it!" I laughed. She pounced and in a single movement lifted up her prize and zoomed into the room. She dropped it next to the bed on the mat.
I put my arm around White Dog and bent down to stroke Zsofia's ears. "Safe from killer bees! Thanks, Zso." To WD: "It is never easy for the Queen to know what each of the Army is doing."  

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