
February 17, 2020

White Dog watched from the comfort her mattress; the others crowded around trying to look nonchalant as Steve talked to Tizenegy.
"Buddy you are having a hard time keeping your back legs under you, especially when you go on the tile or wood floors. It happened to Puff when she got to be an elder, too. Momma found some little rubber toe grips that we put on your sister that worked pretty well. Or we can consider shoes to provide a bit more traction for you. Any ideas or thoughts?"

Tizenegy instinctively tucked all of his feet under him and turned his head to look at Steve uncertainly. "The toe grips just fit right over your toenails. Puff said she even forgot they were on. Should we try those? We would have to measure and then when they come slide them on each toe but there is no pain and I don't think much to get used to."

Tiz was not sure about the manliness of having colored toenails. He worried that Roman and Zso would tease him.

"Well, then, my boy, we could always go the route of leather boots. They are masculine enough for dogs who hike rocky mountains. But they DO cover your entire foot, both back ones actually, and it feels like, well, wearing a shoe. And you could not chew on them."

Tizenegy was a bit overwhelmed by the prospects of either choice and asked Steve for a little time to consider and get feedback from the rest of the Army.

"Yes, think about it," Steve told him. "But we should not wait too long to pick a choice and order it. I would hate for you to get injured sliding or losing your footing." White Dog cleared her throat. "Tiz will talk and think," she told Steve, "and he will make a decision by the weekend. OK?"

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