
March 24, 2020

White Dog gently leaned against my leg. "You had to know a day like this was coming," she said. "Even though things for us are not drastically different than they have been, it is the small things that niggle which you can't put your finger on."

Everyone was edgy as the morning began. There was little tolerance of each other and lots of grumbling. We knew Roman would be hard pressed to keep his calm.

He made it until after breakfast but hit a breaking point at Tizenegy's relentless verbal assault. Steve had to pull the boys apart and Roman went, snarling, into his crate. Tiz was tethered in the office by his bed. "ENOUGH!" I commanded in the momma voice. "Everyone stand down and recalibrate. This is NOT acceptable." The White Dog Army went to separate corners to practice timeout, which in our house is a lot like social distancing.

"I get it," I told White Dog. "We are at home like always but the sounds are different. There are no street noises. No sounds of people or other pups or buses. The stillness is kind of eerie. Dad does not leave home; yes, it is great he is here but it is a change of routine. Your breakfast is not prompted by the first jets taking off from the airport; there is no air traffic. It is still light when you have dinner; daylight savings time came when it added another layer of change to things. I know you sense dad's worry about the headlines and his concerns for my health. And you hear my anger at some of the stupid things being done that will senselessly cost lives. It must rattle you all that dad and I are upset. I am not angry at either Tiz or Roman but we all must live together peaceably especially during these unsettling times.."

"Tell us this, momma. We all need to be reassured."

I gathered the White Dog Army. "I know things are way out of the ordinary in the world right now and that is why it is important that we stick together as a pack being supportive, caring and kind to each other. Please know dad and I are safe and not in danger because we are following the rules. None of you is in danger. We have enough food for both us and the WDA. You are all loved and safe. It WILL be all right." Then I went around the group giving kisses and ear rubs.

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