
March 29, 2020

White Dog waited until the blur of motion stopped. "Thank you, sister! That was the most entertainment we have had in a very long time!"

She was speaking to Bella, out Tiny Dancer, who late this afternoon went into the bathroom-turned-spa-Steve. We heard water running and splashing and then a streak of white dashed down the hallway followed by Steve. "You are like greased lightning," he told her. "Who would have thought you could jump so high and right over me."

We heard quiet and gentle talk for a few minutes and then churning scampering sounds. "Oh no, you don't," came Steve's voice and then the sound of the door being shut. This made all of the White Dog Army a little nervous, especially with Bella's tiny moans coming through the door.

Soon after the dripping wet Tiny Dancer was placed squirming into my arms. I wrapped her in towels and shared my blanket to dry her and keep her warm. She collapsed against me and looked pointedly at Dad. Then she nested against my chest so that I could coo comfort and rub her dry.

 That is how she suffered through ear cleaning and nail trim; all the while uttering dramatic sighs and cries not so much in pain but rather annoyance.

Then she wanted down.


Her zoomies and dance had the entire house laughing. And then she pulled up short. "Hey, shouldn't I get a treat for this, dad?" she asked.
"Of course you do Little One. Let's go pick one out just for you." 

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