
June 4, 2020

White Dog tried to warn her. Human dinner included crudite: cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, celery, carrots and mushrooms. With the exception of WD the Army loves veggies so I had prepared enough to share.

We were dipping the vegetables into a spicy thai dip we had made which added some zing to the cooling crunch.

Bailey wasn't happy with just getting vegetables. She pawed at my leg and nodded toward my rice bowl of dip. "Sweet Girl, this is not for dog's; it is VERY spicy," I told her. She insisted. I pushed her head away.

"The only way she will stop pestering," WD told me, "is for you to give her dome dip. She won't like it and that will be that." I put a tiny bit on a spoon and offered it.
Bai tasted the dip; in fact, licked the spoon clean. Then the heat hit. She tried to look nonchalant as she quickly ambled to the water bowl in the kitchen for a long drink and then tried to clear her palate by licking her paws. 
White Dog was right, Bailey remained in the kitchen for the rest of our meal. After she showed her displeasure with me by fawning over Steve. "Be careful what you wish for, beautiful girl."

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