
July 29, 2020

White Dog looked up from our reading and nodded at her sisters. "Our pack is really a very clever group," she complimented. "Anyone who sees this photo will think it is just a cute shot of sisters relaxing on the bed."
"They won't know the real story unless we fill in the details unseen."

Zsofia and Opal came in through the dog door, which you can see to Zso's right. Roman is stretched out on the floor sound asleep. He is blocking passage around the bed to get out of the room; it is a narrow very aisle.. No one ever wants to "poke the sleeping dragon" aka Roman by stepping on him, startling him, or otherwise awakening our reactive boy who often comes alert breathing fire.
So in the dog door, up on the bed, smile for momma, and then walk the length of the bed past Roman, hop down, exit the bedroom is the alternate safe route. 

And they shared their tip with the others. A few minutes later Bailey wanted to go outside and knew all about the recently discovered safe passage which she used in reverse.

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