
August 18, 2020

White Dog, at fifteen years of age, is not as fleet of foot as was once the case. Her back leg muscles are less reliable and the nerve impingement in her back gives her an uneven gait. Dr. Julia's office is providing weekly cold laser therapy and she suggested short walks and stepping exercises over pool noodles.

In an effort to provide additional support to White Dog's ankles and knees, we found lower leg wraps that velcro into place. We are hoping the wrap will correct some of WD's gait issues and slow the "knuckling" she has begun to do when she is tired.

We tried them on tonight. Ever the drama queen, White Dog stood frozen for a long moment trying to look at her back legs before goose-stepping off as if she had been fused into one unbendable piece. I promised that if she gave them I chance until bedtime walks that she could have an extra treat and that Steve would remove them for the night.
"Promise?" she asked in a tiny pathetic voice. I smiled sympathetically. "Absolutely."


TimberLove said...

take care little furiend,


meowmeowmans said...

We sure hope those wraps help, White Dog. We love you, sweet girl.