
September 24, 2020

 White Dog was putting the finishing touches on the photo montage while Roman and Steve were busy in the kitchen putting dry rub on the lamb and cutting cheesecake into slices.

Opal was helping me cut veggies for calabacitas and peeling off the tough outer leaves of the brussels sprouts.  

Zsofia and the Gotcha Day Girl, Bailey, were on a scavenger hunt to find Bella. "Try to find me," Bella's note read, "I bet you can't!"

Today is Bailey's 3rd Gotcha Day with us. We were planning the party to celebrate Our Blue-Eyed Queen of Zen. 

Bai arrived wrapped in a blanket of love and
Zso was THRILLED to have another darker white dog in the family.

Bella did outfox the Sibe sisters. They were in the yard searching high and low and clever Bella, all the while, was hiding/napping behind the door in the bathroom that is her bedtime suite.

Happy Gotcha Day, Sweet Bailey! We were ALL blessed when you strolled in through the backdoor and hopped up on the couch to take in "home."

1 comment:

TimberLove said...

Happy day my beawooootiful friend!!
