
October 19, 2020

White Dog softly said, "It looks more and more like the furs are never going to be the same." She was referring to the spot on Tizenegy's side that had overcome the fungal infection that was so stubborn. The itchiness and fungal growth is gone; Dr. Julia has pronounced the skin healed and has advised to apply the cream if we should see signs of its return.

The patch, however, is covered with a baby fuzz that is thin and nowhere near as lush as the rest of Tiz's coat. He receives extra fish oil and skin vitamins but so far nothing has spurred a miracle growth of his double coat. The area is fine otherwise; it is not sensitive or tender to touch. 

Bella reminds us that old age sometimes brings about body and metabolic changes that alter how we look. "Humans get bald, this is really no different." She pointed out. "I have learned to accept that the furs on my tail have become sparse and are not the plume they once formed." 

"Besides," agreed White Dog, "I would rather have Tizenegy walking well and not be hobbled by pain. THAT is much more important than floofiness."

And in this momma's eyes, each of the White Dog Army is the most beautiful "self" each could possibly be. 

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