
December 25, 2020

 White Dog was immediately summoned when the early morning kitchen prowlers saw the note. 

She read the note, thought for a moment then broke into a HUGE smile. White Dog pawed for Steve to open the refrigerator door and the White Dog Army gasped...two whole duck breasts plumply sat in apple juice and spices waiting to be grilled for dinner. 

Then our friend, Barbara, a fabulous baker, dropped off her gifts of baked goodies. "Look, my favorite! Sugar Cookies with SPRINKLES!" Bella sang. "I LOVE Christmas," she said. "Well, we have duck and cookies for dinner. What more do we need?" Bailey looked over Bella's back into the container of cookies. "Baklava and gingersnaps, too!" "And spice cake! Let's eat dinner now." "Do we get one of each." Reminded that we still had gifts from all thoughtful friends all over the world to open, the Army agreed to attempt patience in waiting.

The box from Kathie was heavy. "Let's open this one first," White Dog decreed. "I hope it is something she made; she is so talented."  Each of us had been specially remembered by our artisan friend.
There were treats and books and Christmas bulbs, and fun in-jokes, holiday foods, and more handmade delights...each of token of love and friendship from those who are a gift themselves. "We are incredibly blessed," Zso sighed. "And the smell of those duck breasts sizzling on the grill makes the afternoon perfect." 
Gentle Christmas music, full tummies and bursting hearts--as we watched the sunset and sent a grateful message of peace to the Universe. 

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

OH! What a wonderful Christmas you had, WDA. Such nice presents and yummy food. Blessings abundant!

Love and hugs to you all.