
July 1, 2021

White Dog and Bella often have a "civilized" breakfast long after the others have finished eating and started their days. It seemed like today was one of those leisurely mornings. The plan was to give Bella her eye drops and then her breakfast and to follow that with meeting White Dog's needs. 

I adjusted to hold Our Tiny Dancer and greet her as we dripped her medication into her eyes. I heard Steve move things aside to kneel down in front of one of the open crates in the office. "Bella, you are WAY back there this morning..."

Followed by his wailed "...Sue, I think Bella has died." "What?" Then he carried in Bella's little white body legs pulled under her in sleep position; I reached for her while at the same time thinking "I guess it is not her anymore and she is SO small and yes there is no warmth or heartbeat." Tears began to run freely.

"Oh my god," I numbly directed Steve, "go check on White Dog. SHE'S the sick one!" White Dog was just waking and nestled into Steve's Good Morning. At the commotion the Army came rushing into the bedroom; they sniffed and nuzzled and looked very puzzled.

I had no answers for their looks.

Bella Bee Marie, former mill dog who had never touched grass until she was rescued, at 14 the matron, keeper of WDA History. My Tiny Dancer who rode home in my jacket and hid under my chair. Our mouse who learned to roar. Had stepped across the Bridge without even a warning.

When Steve guided by Nuka found this Girl just for me, this was the photo BRAS rescue posted of her:

Bella Bee as her confidence grew and she rocked her awakening:

Bella's favorite photo of herself in MacBeth, as the mad Queen Gertrude:
I will share more of Bella's life when I can bear to open the files. Just know our Tiny Dancer adored each of our friends and loved ones for cheering her on and caring about her. Thank you for helping a little mill girl dare to let her true colors shine.


TimberLove said...

Gentle woooos friends,

Nuk and family

24 Paws of Love said...

So sorry to hear about your Tiny Dancer. May she rest in peace surrounded by all your love. Hugs for everyone.

Becky Wells said...

She was a beautiful Mad Queen Gertrude and a beautiful girlie. Thanks for giving her her best life ever. Love to all, Becky

Random Felines said...

Sending you all so many purrs

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry about Bella, Little Dancer's passing, my that was a shock. What an awesome little dog and what a wonderful rest of her life you all gave her. Thinking of all of you with prayers.

Take care,
Lucy (Troy, 0hio)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sue and Steve....I just now saw this post about Bella. I'm so very sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. Always remember that you gave Bella a loving home and unending love that she probably never thought she would ever have. Bella, run young and free again at the Bridge and say HI to Amber for me. Make sure she is behaving herself.
