
August 2, 2021

White Dog and I have traveled a very long road together. We are both a little worse for the wear and bear the less than beautiful marks of aging. She, like myself, has become a bit needier...and a bit more dependent on the kindness of others. But in this season of life she and I have rediscovered the comfort of each other. We can sit together, breathing in and out harmoniously, and just let life (and our thoughts) wander past.

I have always felt a special stirring toward the seniors of the White Dog Army and believe the opportunity to share this part of their journey an honored privilege. The bond of love flows strongly as I participate in helping White Dog eat or stroke her side as she receives subq fluids. And when she cannot sleep at night, I am powered by the same Universal strength given to mothers everywhere to patiently sit (their own sleep interrupted), rock and coo until White Dog closes her eyes and draws in the long, slow breats of rest.

Someday in the not far distant future, White Dog will let me know it is time and she will leave us either on her terms or with help. But that is for another time. For now, the Little White Dog of My Heart nestles her head on my shoulder and we together think about all of the birds who have built nests and raised babies outside these windows as we listen to the gentle strains of Satie.



Anonymous said...

I try not to dwell on these beautiful elders who have given us love and strength with their love and understanding. You and white dog have a very strong heart link. You will always share love and faith in one another. Blessings to both of you.

Random Felines said...


meowmeowmans said...

Sending you love and purrs. The bond you and White Dog share is so special.

TimberLove said...

Woooo, (we pups understand, human is a bit misty eyed and can't say anything right now)
