
September 27, 2021

White Dog has instituted a special ritual at the end of the day. After bedtime medications are served...after nite-nite walks taken...treats shared...and the White Dog Army settles into sleeping positions...Steve and I indulge in an hour of television as we shift into sleep readiness.

White Dog, as many seniors do, has trouble getting to sleep at night. Her bedtime medication includes trazadone and melatonin but they take a bit of time to take effect. Once she is asleep, White Dog is good until seven or so in the morning. 

So White Dog joins Steve and I in our bed, resting between us, and sharing nibbles of delicious miniature lemon crisp cookies. After half an hour, My Girl is ready to go to her bed; Steve carries her and tucks her in to sleep.

Last week Zsofia discovereed our little TV watching secret snack; SHE was followed by Bailey who usually shares Zso's crate with her. NOW, White Dog must have an extra cookie to split into halves for her sisters. Opal and Roman both drop soundly to sleep when we dim the lights so they miss this midnight party.

As Steve sighs, "If it gets White Dog through the night and I can sleep, I am all for whatever it takes."

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

That is a really sweet and special bedtime ritual. :)