
October 21, 2021

White Dog's meals these days, at least the main course which guarantees she will eat, are artful combinations of human baby food and Ensure, delivered via plastic pipette. It works efficiently, causes no distress, and gets nearly six ounces of nutrition into her tummy twice a day. It has added back a bit of much needed weight although she is still thin. She is also invited to share bites of Steve's meals, treats, bedtime cookies, and after dinner WDA ice cream. 

Teaching her to accept the pipette and its gentle squirt delivery took a bit of time (she's a pro now) but got us to thinking. What if we should ever have to deliver liquid meds to Roman? or be assured that a nasty tasting pill actually goes down the throat?  So began the ritual of WDA "tasters" who, after White Dog is done with her meal, each get a pipette of the leftovers. 

Each has their own technique to the "tasting." Some are still too eager to BITE. Another licks the tip but jumps back at the blop. None of them quite understand the finiteness of the tool. They watch each other and I know make mental notes for next time. They are learning so when the time comes that they need special care or have mouth or dementia issues they will hopefully transition smoothly.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

That is some excellent, just-in-case planning. :)