
July 2, 2022


In our house this is called "Gate Keeping" and is an attempt to exert control of the other White Dogs in their comings and goings. It is a forbidden game.

The way it works is that the "Keeper" settles him (or her) self across a doorway thus blocking the normal ebb and flow along normal traffic routes. The Keeper fills up the space physically or discourages passage with threats or rolled lips. It is usually enough the cause the Traveler to turn around or to stand and beg politely to be allowed to pass. 

This game in the past has caused Diva or Opal to abandon their attempts to get to the dog door and instead potty in the house. Zsofia, even though she is a master Gate Keeper herself, won't break a blockcade and instead stands and cries her request until one of the humans intervene. Sometimes the Gate Keeper manages to create a traffic jam especially in the hallway. 

I am sure there is some WDA point system to determine who wins but every pup understands the momma voice announcing, "NO Gate Keeping, Roman (or whomever). Get up and move so your sisters can get past. And if you cannot be nice you will need to come sit with ME."