
April 15, 2023


You know that trick in EVERY magician's repertoire?  The one where the master of wizardry pulls a scarf from a pocket or an ear...and continues to pull until an entire string of fabric is revealed?

I was the "stooge" being set up when Lilly sat next to me, mouth tightly shut, eyes innocent. Shayna, the Penn of the WDA Penn and Teller duo, prompted, "Ask Lilly what she's got in her mouth, dad." I asked and Lilly turned her head away saying nothing.

I looked over my shoulder at Shayna. "Look, dad, you can see a little corner of white in her mouth. Don't you wonder what it could be?"

I was sure it was a tissue but I played along. "See if you can give it a tug and pull it out," Shayna directed. Lilly was not giving the trick away easily and wrestled a bit until I had her by the jaw and eased out the fiber sheet. "Oh look!" I said feigning surprise. "A kleenex!"

"Oh but you are not done yet," Shayna insisted. "Look again." There was another tiny corner peeking out of the same spot between Lilly's teeth. I pulled out a second damp wad and this time I pressed her mouth to get her to open wider. 

"You are ruining the trick," Shayna pleaded as I pulled out a total of four tissues from between Lilly's lips. "Do I have them all?" I asked trying to fish my finger around in the drool and darkness. Bailey had found a box of kleenex and, between her and Lilly, managed to completely dissect the entire box. Bailey denied any involvement in the escapade, of course.

1 comment:

24 Paws of Love said...

The tissue saga continues...lol