
September 13, 2008

White Dog seems obsessed with her new squirrel on the fishing rod toy (and Steve seems equally captivated). Both gave up going to the Park this morning so that they could spend more time "Fishing for Eskies." Like the mother of a video game addicted child, I may have to limit the times White Dog and Steve can play...especially since Steve in his over-enthusiasm has already broken a candle holder. Later when Richard came over for cheese tasting, White Dog insisted that her real life fishing buddy see her new toy in action. Then we settled in for a pleasant evening of artisanal cheeses, conversation, and for White Dog exclusively, ostrich jerky.



Woof White Dog

A fishing rod can be so much fun (provided that there isn't a hook on the line) Hope you enjoy your catching the squirrel.

Desert Pups

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

I have to tell you White Dog, that blog about going "Fishing for Eskies" was just perfect. Mom and I laughed and laughed, and thought about how neat that was that Steve and you have a new game. I didn't get to play with toys when I was a pup, so my mom tries to get me to play with them now, but I'm not sure what to do. I sniff them, but then she encourages me to play "tug" and I keep thinking that is wrong. I told her that I would like to try to go fishing for eskies too, so Mom might just get me a slick rod like you and Steve have.
