
July 21, 2010

White Dog's happy bark of greeting when Gordon's car pulled in the driveway quickly turned into a puzzled growl when he came to the door with Lou and Lucy, his Labradoodle and German Shepard. Our dogs have never met his pups but Gordon was in town to drop them off at the dog sitter before leaving for his trip to LA early tomorrow morning. Both dogs were polite guests as they entered but White Dog just wasn't sure if she wanted to meet new friends so she retreated to our bed and sat loudly voicing her opinion. Quinn on the other hand, sniffed and wagged and nosed his guests. Things settled down after a few minutes and White Dog rejoined us.

Lou and Lucy explored a bit and sampled the White Dogs' kibble. They found and enjoyed some of the multitude of chews hidden all over our house. White Dog sat at my shoulder and oversaw the activity.

White Dog was shocked by TOWD when he came rushing into the living room after being outside and found his usual zoomie path blocked by our guests. She watched in amazement when, instead of just going around the other way, Quinn boldly looked at them, calmly lifted his leg and peed on Steve's leather chair! He then turned and went to his closet sleeping space!

After Gordon and his pets left, I explained to White Dog that boy dogs "mark territory" to let visitors know who the house belongs to. "That is just gross," she replied as she turned her head to watch TOWD mark the fireplace hearth where Lucy had rested. "Is he in BIG trouble," she asked with a gleam in her eye. I went for the cleaning solution and Steve for paper towels. "What can I say, White Dog? Boys will be boys!" "ICK!" was her response. Quinn just nuzzled his big head into my hand and looked up adoringly.


Teddy Bear said...

Boys will be boys is so right. I once marked my territory on a friends Christmas tree.:)

Teddy Bear

Mack said...

I must confess: I like to mark my territory too!
And sometimes I am not so nice to visitors.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo got it!

Boys will SO be boys!


Remington said...

I stopped doing that for some reason after I attended that big party at the vet clinic and came home with a lampshade on my head....hhhmmmm....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

BOL - thanks for sharing the experience. We have some visitors coming soon and Mom says she will need to keep an eye on all the boys here:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Jacqueline said...

We are so happy you live with parents who love you and understand you, Quinn; our Mommy knows when we do things she doesn't like, it is never with malice, we are just being who we are and don't mean to be "bad", so we really never get in trouble, just a tap on the nose and told NO=we know that means not to do it again, but, well, you know.....Your parents rock!!...We love you guys so much!...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Brian's Home Blog said...

All I can say is...oops!

Sagira said...

Oopps...silly boy dogs.

No photos of your guest? They sound cute. :)

Kari in Alaska said...

that is the major downside to having boys