Still Another White Dog, Puff The Magical...
As most know, Puff is a 14-year-old former puppy mill breeder who had passed her prime and was living outside without shelter year-round in Kansas. Steve and a pilot (who was a friend of a friend of a rescue friend) flew to close down the operation and rescue her. Puff was Stage 3 Heartworm positive; her ear tips were chewed off and scabbed from fly bites; and she was nearly feral in her ability to trust. She was not part of the White Dog Army "plan" but for lots of reasons we could not turn our back on this desperate senior girl with no future and little hope.
Unlike Nuka, who had joined us only a week earlier, Puff was daring and quick to learn. We had to constantly watch to make sure she did not try to escape. She mastered the dog door in about 3 minutes and for a week refused to sleep in the house unless we secured her behind a gate; otherwise she would run to the far corner of the yard where she had made a "nest" out of old leaves. Even in Albuquerque, November is too cold to be sleeping al fresco. She gave indication of her cheer or complaint. She was stoic and fearful to the point that I nearly despaired. Her eyes looked dead and her tail hung low; she seemed a broken pup.
And then, very very very slowly she started to peek around corners to see what we were doing...she came back in through the dog door instead of making us chase her down and carry her in. She sat next to Steve. It was nearly 3 months before she let me pet her...after weeks of sitting quietly with my back to her and ignoring her (while silently willing her to come close). She asked to join us one Saturday in March when the WDA was going for a car ride and out for maneuvers (she usually ran and hid when leashs were displayed) was hard to keep to our normal routine during that trip.
In May, Dr. Julia pronounced the heartworm cured and we celebrated like crazy. Our girl with the haunted eyes has come so far on her journey these past 365 days...and she still has miles to go. But we know now that she is a tough little fighter, but not one hardened beyond being able to give and receive love. For that we thank the Universe. For Puff IS Magical and adds a unique special delicacy to our Army and we love her with a commitment of always.
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff.
Steve made this Smile Box just for his Special Baby Girl...and the White Ones donated their allowance to Pilots N Paws, a group of volunteer pilots who fly rescue and mercy missions for needy pets across the country. We hope that another pup gets to fly to a forever home filled with love and safety.
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This slideshow design generated with Smilebox |
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff!! Wesa can't wait'ums to hear about the festivities that wesa sure you had for your special day!! Wesa loved your dad's smilebox was pawsome!!
Wesa just so excited!! Sorry that Kansas was not good to you like it has been to us'uns...but so glad you have found your pack and your lovely pawrents!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Happy Gotcha Day!! I enjoyed reading that story. Its amazing how resilient dogs can be and how just a few things like love, vet care, and good food can change a dog. I know we have been gone lately but we are back and thanks for stopping by :)
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Puff! I remember when you came home, and I sure did enjoy the smilebox, those made me smile fur sure. Enjoy your special day!
Happy Gotcha Day Puff! We remember when you were brought home!
Happy Gotcha Day Puff!!! We are so very glad you found such a wonderful family - we have heard of Pilots for Paws and are sure they will put your allowance to good use. :)
Happy Happy gotcha day Puff
I celebwate wif you in spiwit sooo happy that you have found the bestest home evew full of love and white dog siblings.
This was a bootiful post..I'm sowwy I've been missing out so much and I'm afwaid that will continoo fow momfs wif ouw move, but my heawt and thoughts awe always thewe wif you
smoochie kisses
Happy gotcha day Puff! We are so happy for woo! Be well little furiend, thank woo for sharing your special day with all of us in bloggy land:)
RA, Isis & nuknuk
Happy numero uno Gotcha Day, Puff!!
It's a day to celebrate fur sure!!
We posted about the National Dog Wash and linked back to you :)
Nobody tells the story as good as you dogs!
A very very lovely story of love, trust devotion and proof that love can prevail.. Happy Gotcha day sweet girl and its my birthday today too. Hugs and love GJ xx
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff. Your story proves that heart can be healed twice - once from those dreaded worms and a second time from a heartbreak.
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff - that was the luckiest day of your life and the start of a new and wonderful life
Woos ~ Phsntom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Happy Gotcha Day Puff. Looks like you found the perfect family to love you. We loved your photos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Next time can you put a warning label on these kinds of post!! :) I didn't know this one was going to be a tear jerker! But they were the best tears, for the such a beautiful girl who had the hardest, cruelest life but who found true love forever.
Happy Gotcha Day Puff! We are so glad you beat all the odds and have everything you ever deserved. Forever.
Happy Gotcha Day Puff!!
We are so happy that you have your wonderful home and we are all so glad that we can all be friends!
Happy Happy Gotcha Day, Puff! Wow, what an adventure to get to your wonderful new family! Here's to many more years of happiness and adventures with your family!
Happy 1st Gotcha Day, gorgeous Puff!!!!...The slideshow was a lovely tribute to such a precious girl!...We are so excited beautiful Puff was able to find such a wonderful, loving family to call her own=there is so much joy and devotion between every one of you and that is priceless!...We are truly blessed to be your and hugs, sweeties...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Puff! We sure enjoyed that Smilebox presentation your Dad made for you. It really shows how very much you are loved, dear one, and you definitely deserving of it. We are thankful that you were Gotcha'd into such a wonderful home. We hope your day and year are extra special (just like you!). :)
Love and hugs from all of us to all of you!
Happy Gotcha day Puff! Okay, now that the smilebox video has us all teary eyed.... have a great Sunday love from our family to yours. :)
Happy Gotcha Dat Puff!!!!!!!!! I loved reading your story, it was sad and heart warming at the same time.
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff!!
Has it really been that long? The slideshow was really sweet - so heartwarming to see her slowly come around over the many months. Cheers to you all for your perseverance and enormous hearts!
Happy Gotcha Day, Puff!!! We loved your slideshow and can't wait to hear about your pawesome Gotcha Day with your amazing family.:)
Teddy Bear & Siera
Happy Gotcha Day!!!
Stop on by for a visit
Happy Happy Gotcha Day, Puff!! We have been so, so busy around here, and I am sorry I have not been by to visit. I think of you guys all the time, 'cause you are all so special to Nala and me (especially me, 'cause you helped me with Nala when I first came to live with her).
Hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving holiday! :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Happy Gotcha Day Puff!
Mom has transported some pups that she KNEW would take some extra TLC BUT once they learned to trust, well, the pawbakhk would be 8700000000 times ovFUR!
I think her WFT pal in KholWOOrado will join all of us in giving your WDA a BIG paw up!
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