
March 22, 2012

White Dog leaned over and sniffed my face; she pawed for me to remove my glasses so she could whiff my actual eyeball. The rest of the White Dog Army was arrayed around me and waited for their turn to do the same. Then the "Specialists" held a conference. "Everything seems OK to us," White Dog pronounced afterward. All of this was in response to my breakfast announcement that I was going to the optometrist for an annual eye exam. "Well, then, I go with confidence. Thanks White Ones," I said.

I actually was a bit nervous since last year's exam with a new eye doctor was a disaster. One of the most well known doctor's in town his prescription was wrong and my eyes knew it from the start; he, however, was adamant that I just needed time to get used to the change. The glasses were useless for near vision and I ended up continuing to wear my old ones. So today, we were trying a new optometrist a young, enthusiastic doctor who discussed his findings and encouraged questions. I felt much more comfortable with his prescription, which was a slight increase in the near vision correction and a decrease in the far vision in my left eye.

When I got home the WDA met me and repeated the sniff test as they asked about the human doctor's exam. They agreed that he knew what he was doing and that his resulting prescription made sense. Then they mentioned new glasses.

I told them that the useless ones had been very stylish but the cost of re-lensing them would be as expensive as a new pair so I planned to shop for a totally new frame.

"We thought you might say that," White Dog said, "So while you were gone the WDA and I did some browsing for you. Come to the computer and we will show you some tres chic and perfect ideas!" Aside from wondering how they knew my password, I was curious as to their choices. Let's just say my White Ones have a VERY interesting image of who their momma is...
"Look she even has your haircut," Nuka pointed out!
"Great work dear ones, I appreciate all of your efforts. Let me show you the pair that I kind of like...and so does dad," I begged. "Sure," they wagged in expectation. "We are sure they are the coolest, most perfect momma glasses made!" So I showed them my choice::
They looked at each other and then stared for a long time at my face. "Really, momma? THESE? Bore-ing! But go ahead if you are comfortable, we will still love you in boring, little old lady specs!" Ouch!


Dachshund Nola said...

Honestly, I kind of like the third ones BOL!
Dachshund Nola

GOOSE said...

I rather like the first pair. But m yMOM would have chosen something near what you did. Where is the adventure?

Kari in Alaska said...

I personally love the top ones :)

Stop on by for a visit

Jo's World said...

I got a new pair in November similar to what you are looking at. Tonight Zkhat was snuggled up and pop! the lens fell out and the fish line (only description I can think of) that was holding it in was broken! So tomorrow I have to go see if they can fix it or if it has to go away. Thankful for my oldies but can't see so well with them anymore. So if I were spec shopping today, I'd be looking for STURDY and thats my windy advice to you!

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

KB said...

I'm glad that the WDA keeps such close track of you. I like your choice! My eye doc calls them "stealth glasses" - almost unnoticeable. That's my style too!

Your comment at my blog was right on. It addressed exactly what I've been thinking about as I've felt such a combination of anguish and love in the past days. By letting ourselves truly experience the beauty of the world, we make ourselves vulnerable to grief and sadness. I wouldn't have it any other way (although I've had my moments of wavering on that point in the midst of my recent grief).

Thanks so much WDA. You are such a wise bunch, and your friendship means so much to us.

Cappy the Eskie said...

Our Mom has the same boring *Little Old Lady Specs*, only without the black bar on top. She’s BOTH nearsighted(driving) AND farsighted(reading, computer and crocheting). Mom says that she doesn’t care about an image – she only wants to be able to SEE.

However . . . she is partial to the 3rd pair from the top – it looks like an Ed Hardy creation.)

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

Cappy the Eskie said...

Our Mom has the same boring *Little Old Lady Specs*, only without the black bar on top. She’s BOTH nearsighted(driving) AND farsighted(reading, computer and crocheting). Mom says that she doesn’t care about an image – she only wants to be able to SEE.

However . . . she is partial to the 3rd pair from the top – it looks like an Ed Hardy creation.)

Hugs and yips,
Cappy and Ollie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Bet the WDA would love you in glasses with images of them dancing across the top of the rims.

Have a nice weekend!

Remington said...

They are all pretty cool....

Random Felines said...

we kind like those top ones. and how do you get on the computer??? mom puts the laptop away and we can't get to it. mom wears glass but just the boring wire rims.

BTW - we would love to send your weather back.....we don't like the hots!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know they will all really appreciate the "better to see you with" smiles!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha Ha - the WDA has some very unique taste:) Mom has her eye appt. next week and she so understands what you went through. Doctors need to really listen to their patients when they are telling them something and not think they are always right. We hope whatever frames you pick your world is clear and bright and rosy when you peer through them.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Everybuddy, there's nothing like a little bling to cheer you up but our mum would choose the same as your mum too. Glad your Optometrist was good. Can't muck about with your vision that's for sure. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I liked the second pair, but I think your Mommy will look great in whatever she wears.
Andy and Sally Ann